Dear Legislators currently serving on the Transportation and Codes Committees of the New York State Legislature:
When negligent drivers suddenly turn left into their paths, the lives of motorcycle riders are tragically and needlessly lost.
Their surviving families then face the consequences of these avoidable accidents every day, and continue to suffer for the rest of their lives. The consequences for the drivers? A small fine plus a court surcharge—about the same amount as a ticket for a moving violation.
The legislation that we support—S6202/A7032—would raise the stakes for negligent drivers and give our judges the ability to find them guilty of a class A misdemeanor, which could be punishable with a minimum fine of $300, potentially up to 30 days of jail time, and the required completion of a motor vehicle accident prevention course. The legislation would also introduce new questions on the state’s written test for a driver’s license for important topics such as motorcycle safety, work zone safety, and school bus safety, and road rage.
The bill (S6202) passed the NYS Senate in 2022, but the Assembly’s Transportation Committee never took up the companion bill (A7032), blocking any chance that it would be passed it into law.
Now, with the new legislative session beginning, we again have the chance to provide legal protection to the most vulnerable users of the roads, including motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and domestic animals—ALL of which have been so dramatically and adversely affected by negligent drivers since the start of the pandemic.
So we are urging you, as our elected officials, to recognize that at the end of the day, ALL vulnerable users of the roads should be able to make it safely home to their families. Let’s make our roads safer for everyone by raising the stakes for negligent drivers.
Together, let’s demand that ALL drivers #LookBeforeYouLeft. Please pass S6202 and A7032, and make them a part of New York State law.
A05407 was a bill drafted in the State of New York to protect the lives of bikers and pedestrians that are too often killed or seriously injured on our roads by negligent and distracted drivers. The bill passed in 2017 with bipartisan support in the New York Senate, but the New York Assembly has yet to take up the bill and sign it into law.
Now, with S6202 and A7032, we have the chance to honor the spirit of A05407 while offering even more protection for the most vulnerable users of the road from negligent drivers.
We at the Kantor Gullo Law Firm have represented far too many motorcycle riders that suffered serious injuries and death due to negligent left turning drivers. We estimate that about three out of four (or 75%) of our motorcycle cases are from this type of collision, and it’s only gotten worse since the start of the pandemic. That’s why we’re determined to send a message to selected NY lawmakers that we want these negligent drivers to be held accountable.