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2006 Harley-Davidson Springer Softail
By Chris Genovese 1.        Stroads suck, and are to be avoided.  Think about the busiest parts of Niagara Falls Boulevard and Transit Road, and you’ll have a pretty clear understanding of what a “stroad” is.  (Half street, half road, I guess.)  You can go 45...
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logo for the New York State Academy of Lawyers Special Term
By Christina Gullo The Kantor Law Firm is proud to support local events and charities that champion our fellow riders. However, this is not the only way the Kantor Law Firm gives back to the community. Attorney Christina Gullo, with the support of the New...
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Attorneys Steve Kantor and Christina Gullo sitting at a conference table reviewing a document
By Steve Kantor You may have noticed an influx of lawyer advertising here in Western New York.  It is hard to turn on televisions or radios without seeing and hearing advertisements for legal services. In fact, there are so many advertisements that it may be...
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Marketing guy, Chris Genovese, sits on his 2017 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited in front of Glen Falls in the Village of Williamsville, NY
By: Chris Genovese I hadn’t ridden in over ten years, but in October of 2004 a buddy and I rented a couple of Harleys out in Las Vegas and rode through the Valley of Fire to the Hoover Dam.  The green Fatboy I rode that day...
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Attorney Christina Gullo, founder Steve Kantor, and law clerk Daylyn Blackman
By: Christina Gullo Let’s talk bike nights. What better way to enjoy a beautiful day than to be able to come together at local events to celebrate the biker community. The Kantor Law Firm prides itself on riding with you since 2005. But that does not...
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