By: Chris Genovese
As I sit here writing, our esteemed publisher, Steve, is letting folks know via email that our articles are due, and that he’s in Sturgis having a great time. So as I look forward to hearing his stories and seeing his pictures in these pages, I’m just a little jealous. However, I’m not very jealous or even somewhat jealous. I’m just a little jealous. That’s because I’m coming off my own seven-day vacation (stay-cation) that included riding some of the best riding roads that I’ve ever travelled – right here in Western New York. The rolling hills of the southern tier, in particular, is one of our favorite places to ride.
Which also gave me some time to join my wife and family in celebrations for a graduation, a birthday, and my own anniversary. (Love you, Honey!) We also got to enjoy the 75th Anniversary celebration at Gowanda Harley-Davidson, with Uncle Ben’s Remedy, one of our favorite local bands, as “civilians.” So please allow me to extend special thanks to our attorneys, Steve and Christina; as well as Deirdre, Maddy, and Ashley – for covering my ass while I was out pretending I didn’t see any emails or social posts etc. You guys rock and I love working with you, especially when I’m not working at all! 😉
Now, as we enter the home stretch of a busy riding season, I’m ready to push hard for the finish line and soak up every minute of riding time that I can. Are you guys ready? Are your bikes ready? Alright, let’s do this and let’s do it as safely as we can – with a couple of suggestions from your friends at Kantor Law:
- A wise man once said, “Check yourself before you wreck yourself.” Whether you’ve ridden 10,000 miles this year or your bike has been sitting idle, it’s a great idea to re-check your bike, your gear, and your insurance policy to make sure you’re ready for the fall. I mean, it’s a lot easier to enjoy the ride when you’re confident and these things are taken care of. The right cool weather gear (for some folks) can dramatically extend the local riding season. And please remember that riders can always bring their motorcycle insurance declarations page to any event that Kantor Law is sponsoring for our suggestions.
- The change of season also brings new riding conditions and other challenges that we have to adjust for. Remember that driving patterns will be changing soon, and school buses will be on the roads. Fall weather and fewer hours of daylight also brings the potential for slick roads covered with leaves. So make sure you’ve got your “clears” with you (night time riding glasses) if you’re out riding after dinner time, and be on the lookout for deer that might be ready to sprint across your path.
- Anticipate the next step in the craziness that’s coming your way with the NY SLEEP Act. Each of us that believes (and practices) “Loud Pipes Save Lives” will probably need a plan when our friends in the local shops and dealerships receive the new equipment to process our state inspections. This means that the state’s computers will be tracking more data for each bike and owner, and it’s wise to assume that agencies will be sharing information. For example, the DMV folks may have access to inspection data and be able to see if your motorcycle has not been inspected in the past. Personally, I’m shopping online for an OEM exhaust system for my old softail. Please always remember that the shops and the people that work in them hate this more than we do. And remember that law enforcement, insurance adjusters, employers, and others commonly use the information that we share on social media in their investigations.

As always, the Kantor Law Firm hopes you have a great time riding this fall in Western New York, and we’ll be out there riding along with you. Stay safe while enjoying the miles, and please let us know if you have any legal questions that we can help with; or God forbid, if you are injured while riding.
Ride safe and free!